R&D Strategy
Research & Development Policies
Kumiai Chemical Industry is committed to research and development of new agrochemicals and fine chemicals that are sustainable and ESG-conscious in order to contribute to the realization of a more stable supply of agricultural products and a prosperous society under the theme of protecting and fostering life and nature through creative science.
Furthermore, we will promote the expansion of our research and business areas with the goal of developing original, high-value-added products that meet market needs by utilizing the agrochemical development technologies cultivated within the company.
Research & Development Strategy
We believe that the mission of the Research & Development Division is to expand our research and business domains through innovative technological development and to contribute to the realization of a prosperous society through technology. The driving force behind this is human resources, and we will actively work to develop the human resources that will support our company in the future by securing and training excellent people, and work to create a more motivating workplace environment. To this end, we believe it is essential to enhance research efficiency by creating an environment that generates rich ideas and introducing research facilities that support such ideas.
The core R&D system of Kumiai Chemical Industry consist of Chemical Research Institute (New Molecule Research Center, Process Chemistry Research Center, and Formulation Technology Research Center) and Life Science Research Institute (Agrochemical Research Center, Life & Environmental Research Center), both located in Shizuoka Prefecture. The new Chemical Research Institute, Shimizu Innovation Park (ShIP) which integrated three Chemical Research Centers, has started operations in October, 2023. In this state-of-the-art institute, which consolidates our R&D capabilities, we aim to create innovations through AI-based drug discovery and the fusion of different fields. Similarly, the Life Science Research Institute is improving a new research base aiming to the DX (digital transformation) utilize AI etc., and we will work to expand its research and business domains, including overseas research bases.
Furthermore, we will actively engage in the development of new technologies through open innovation utilizing industry-government-academia collaboration to advance research and development for the creation of innovative technologies.

Agricultural Chemicals and Agriculture-Related Business

In the Agricultural Chemicals and Agriculture-Related Business, we obtained an agrochemical registration for the rice fungicide dichlobentiazox and branded it as DISARTA®. In December 2020, three nursery box granules of fungicide-insecticide mixture containing DISARTA® were launched, with other companies working towards selling products containing DISARTA®. We will continue to enhance our product lineup and build our brand. In addition, we are developing new acaricides, biopesticides, and biostimulants as part of our in-house pipeline of new products, and we will continue to develop new products on an ongoing basis.
With the addition of the Green Research Institute of Rikengreen Co., Ltd., a group company, we will establish an integrated research & development system from exploratory synthesis of new active ingredients to biological evaluation, safety and environmental science evaluation, formulation technology development, and establishment of industrial manufacturing methods to promote quicker and more efficient research and development.
Fine Chemicals Business
In the Fine Chemicals Business, we will work with group companies Ihara Nikkei Chemical Industry, K.I Chemical Industry, and others on research and development in the fields of polymeric raw materials, pharmaceutical and agrochemical intermediates, electronic materials, and dyes, while expanding our contract manufacturing business using the organic synthesis technology we have developed in the agrochemical business. We will further promote technological exchanges with group companies and grow the Fine Chemicals Business to become the second core of our business.