Contribution to
Local Communities

Policy and Philosophy

As a good corporate citizen, Kumiai Chemical Industry engages with local communities and contributes to their development. We actively communicate with various communities and promote participation in social contribution activities and interaction with local communities through our core business.


Visiting Lecture

As part of the key policy "ESG-oriented corporate activities" outlined in our mid-term management plan, Kumiai Chemical has been giving visiting lectures to fifth graders to instruct them about agriculture and the need for Agricultural Chemicals, as classes about agriculture start in the fifth grade. Although agricultural chemicals contribute significantly to food production and are necessary materials to support a sustainable society, there is a problem that consumers of crops do not fully understand the social value of agricultural chemicals and agricultural chemicals themselves correctly. This initiative aims not only to improve our corporate value by disseminating correct information on agricultural chemicals about our core business, but also to create an environment handling agricultural chemicals by farmers and our employees with confidence. We will continue these activities to expect that the effects of our educational activities will spread from the children to the teachers who work in the field and parents.

Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement with Fukushima, Hokkaido

In July of 2022, we entered into a comprehensive partnership agreement with Fukushima, Hokkaido, and the Fukushima Forest Cooperative. For the future of Fukushima, which is home to abundant nature, we will promote initiatives including contributing to a sustainable society by utilizing agriculture-related technologies and other new techniques such as ICT.

Mayor of Fukushima, Hokkaido NARUMI Kiyoharu(left),
President of Kumiai, TAKAGI Makoto(right)

Comprehensive Partnership Agreement Items

  1. Contributing to a sustainable society
    (Reduction of greenhouse gases)
  2. Promoting industries that use local resources
  3. Study for children through the nature
  4. Regional revitalization by giving back to the countryside
  5. Other items to be determined based on consultation among the three parties